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4 Proof of Purchase
~ Saratoga Springs, UT

Terry PT Cruiser 4 Proof of Purchase

4 Proof of Purchase, an Inventory Documentation Company, was the business that launched Terry Kohler into the PT Cruiser world, early on.  He was starting that business while in Denver Colorado.  Figuring that since he would be parked in front of his commercial and residential customers he wanted to have an eye catcher of a vehicle to market his business.

Terry PT Cruiser 4 Proof of Purchase

When the PT Cruiser was born and he saw a few on the road, they caught his eyes.  And many others.  He noticed that he would watch the car go by, and found himself looking back at them multiple times, even after he looked the first time.  What made the final decision be this car was that Terry witnessed many other people look at the car ‘more than once’, as it went by.

Terry PT Cruiser 4 Proof of Purchase

4 Proof of Purchase, an Inventory Documentation Company, didn’t last long.  Terry moved his family to Utah because of a job offer and the pay offered.  Starting the business back up it still a possibility.  Currently on the back burner. Since Terry’s Patriot Blue 2001 PT Cruiser was totaled, in 2005, he will acquire another to continue on.

You may learn more about Terry’s Silent PT over at Global PT Cruisers, another site Terry founded and operates.

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